AJK elections

June 13, 2021

I was born on November 15, 1924, and I am not sure if I will get to see my next birthday. Extreme weather conditions, air pollution, and, on top of that, the coronavirus pandemic are too much for my age. Global warming seems to have caused abrupt weather patterns – extreme heat, droughts and flash floods. Covid-19, on the other hand, has affected the world in unimaginable ways. Despite the availability of the vaccine, this deadly virus continues to wreak havoc across the world. Our leadership, however, seems too busy with more important matters such as fighting with political opponents. While they should be following SOPs to encourage people to do the same, they do just the opposite. They hold rallies and meetings where a majority don’t wear masks or follow social distancing. Even though the number of Covid-19 cases has gone down, the virus is still here. No disease can be eliminated if people do not work in complete unity. The carelessness of a few can lead to a disastrous situation, resulting in a large number of deaths and disruption of economic activities.


At present, political parties are more interested in winning the upcoming elections in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). I wish our politicians had any regard for people. At this time, election campaigns can lead to a surge in coronavirus cases. Our country cannot afford it. It will be nearly impossible for us to manage the load of critically ill patients. Our politicians must realise that postponing the elections is better than dealing with crowded hospitals.

Raja Shafaatullah

