Kashmir issue must be resolved: UNGA president

Importantly, Volkan Bozkir also emphasised that all parties should refrain from changing the status of Jammu and Kashmir

By Mariana Baabar
May 28, 2021
United Nations General Assembly President Volkan Bozkir speaking during a press conference in Islamabad on Thursday, May 27, 2021. Photo: APP

ISLAMABAD: In a powerful statement on Kashmir, the visiting President of the United Nations General Assembly Volkan Bozkir encouraged Pakistan to take up the issue of Jammu and Kashmir more robustly at the United Nations.


Speaking at a joint press conference with Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi at the Foreign Office on Thursday, the visiting dignitary said, “I think it is the duty, especially Pakistan’s to bring this (Kashmir issue) to the United Nation platform more strongly.”

Importantly, Volkan Bozkir also emphasised that all parties should refrain from changing the status of Jammu and Kashmir, and said a solution was to be found through peaceful means in accordance with the UN charter and UN Security Council (UNSC) resolutions as agreed in the Simla Agreement between Pakistan and India. He clearly pointed to the fact that there was a lack of large political will for the resolution of the Kashmir dispute compared to the Palestinian issue which had more will behind it. "Pay attention. These are international obligations. The UN must play that role of responsibility which is due. The Kashmir dispute is a reality and no one can deny it or remove it from the UNSC agenda,” Qureshi said at the joint presser.

The foreign minister apprised Volkan Bozkir about the grave human rights and humanitarian situation in Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK). The foreign minister stressed that India’s systematic efforts to change the demographic structure of the occupied territory were in contravention of international law, including the 4th Geneva Convention. He called for a just and peaceful solution of Jammu and Kashmir dispute in line with UN Security Council resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

It was a busy day for Volkan Bozkir who arrived on Wednesday, and first met Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi where their interaction included a tête-à-tête.

This was followed by delegation level talks and a Joint press stakeout. The foreign minister also hosted a lunch in the honour of the visiting dignitary which was attended by ministers and members of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs Committee.

Later Volkan Bozkir called on Prime Minister Imran Khan.

The Foreign Office said that the UNGA president’s second visit to Islamabad in less than a year is reflective of Pakistan’s support for multilateralism and the central role of the UN in international affairs. It signifies Pakistan’s commitment to promoting the UN’s mission of peace and security, sustainable development, and human rights for all.

“Pleased to have had constructive discussions with Volkan Bozkir on a wide range of political and socio-economic issues today including the inalienable right to self-determination of the people of IIOJ&K and Palestine,” said Qureshi after the talks.

The Foreign Office said that a wide range of political and socio-economic issues on the UN agenda were discussed with Vokan Bozkir, including the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, situation in Palestine, Afghan peace process, reform of the UN Security Council, equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, and financing for sustainable development.

“Pakistan values commitment to multilateralism and to upholding the ideals enshrined in the UN Charter. As an ardent supporter of multilateralism, Pakistan continues to play a central role within the UN spanning regional and international peace, security, development and human rights,” said Qureshi.

Condemning the Israeli atrocities in Occupied Palestinian Territories, the foreign minister commended the role of Bozkir in organising a special meeting of the UN General Assembly last week. He emphasised that the international community must fulfil its responsibility in protecting the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people and take steps to facilitate a just, comprehensive and lasting solution in line with the UN resolutions envisaging the establishment of a viable, independent and contiguous Palestinian state, with pre-1967 borders, and Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

Afghanistan was also up for discussions with Volkan Bozkir saying that any solution to the Afghan issue would effect at the regional and global level.

"I think what Pakistan is doing together with Turkey and Afghanistan is very important, and hope you will come up with a success story,” he remarked.

Bozkir also praised Prime Minister Imran Khan and his efforts, particularly the 10 Billion Tree Tsunami.

Imran Khan lauded the role of the UNGA president in convening the special meeting of the General Assembly on Palestine and stressed that following the announcement of ceasefire, steps should be taken to revive the peace process and ensure a just and lasting solution in line with relevant UN resolutions and two-state vision.

A wide range of issues were discussed during the meeting pertaining to regional and international peace and security, sustainable development and economic recovery efforts in the wake of COVID-19 pandemic.

Views were exchanged on key items on the UN agenda such as Palestine, the Jammu and Kashmir dispute, Afghan peace process, and illicit financial flows from proceeds of crime, corruption and bribery.

The prime minister underscored Pakistan’s strong commitment to multilateralism with the UN playing a central role. He highlighted the need for enhanced international cooperation, under the UN auspices, to address climate change and environmental degradation, as well as debt relief to support the developing countries’ economic recovery efforts and attainment of Sustainable Development Goals by the target date of 2030.
