By Altamash Khan Atish
December 10, 2015

Another year, and we see another Call of Duty title. Sometimes I wonder why people keep buying COD when it is the same trash all over again. This time the trash comes in the form of very poor PC performance, extremely boring visuals, very horrible ranking system and an absolutely dreadful matchmaking. At least the gunplay has been improved a bit this time, and the guns don’t feel like water pistols anymore!

Call of Duty: Black OPs 3 Build Up Review


If you are new to the franchise but aren’t new to FPS games, then there isn’t much to learn here. COD has always been a simple FPS shooter for the most part with a very good player base. BO 3 does have a good player base on all platforms, so finding a match won’t take a long time. The sad thing is that you will probably find the ‘score streak’ system very strange, especially if you are new.

If you really need to learn everything, I suggest you watch some tutorial videos; as the game doesn’t do a terrific job at telling you everything that you need to know. You will need help with character and weapon customization. You will also need to learn about Score Streaks. Although you can learn this by playing quite a few multiplayer matches, I would strongly advise you to check out some video first.

Call of Duty: Black OPs 3 Story Review

Not everybody wants to play online, and most modern FPS shooters do include a very good campaign. Unfortunately, games like COD do not have a very good campaign. The last decent campaign was present in BO 2.

Although the campaign isn’t why you would want to buy this game, it is still worth checking out. Most people only buy COD to play multiplayer. So the story isn’t anything special. You just get your limbs ripped off by a robot right at the beginning. The rest of the campaign consists of you fighting alongside other military soldiers with your cyber limbs. Well, they are not exactly ‘cyber limbs’, but you know what I mean.

It is not very different from Advanced Warfare (AW). In AW, you lose only one arm, but in this, you lose almost every limb. This still doesn’t mean that your character is by any means memorable. In fact, there isn’t a single character in BO 3 which managed to find a place in my heart. I forgot about the campaign one day after finishing it.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Gameplay Review

I really don’t know what I should say about the gameplay. This game simply isn’t worth your $59.99. You can’t really pay so much for a game that offers nothing new! There are games like Dirty Bomb which are free and play almost as good at BO 3.

The only real differences are the wall running and the new special abilities that you can get with a ‘Specialist’. A specialist is your character class. As simple as that!

The only good element of BO 3 is the new ‘Zombie Mode’. Zombie mode is back, better than ever before. It is probably the best Zombie mode in a COD game ever. There isn’t much to do in the Zombie mode, except to kill thousands of undead. Still not as good as Left 4 Dead 2.

The map designs are terrible! I think team based maps should have clever spawn points and objectives. I didn’t like my spawn points or the match objectives. Of course, you will not understand match objectives if you haven’t played COD before. Excluding Death-match and Free-for-all, every other mode will have an objective like Capture The Flag or Hardpoint. The map designs aren’t big enough for any tactical attack. Then again, COD has always been a spray and pray sort of a game.

What makes the gameplay worse is the community. COD players are not friendly, and usually bash new players. Obscene language is pretty common in the COD community.

The unlocks will not affect your experience much. In fact, unlocks feel like a chore more than anything else. In fact, most unlocks will just add more customization options for your weapons.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 Graphics and Performance

Some Steam reviews read “Crash Ops 3”! I think this should explain what I mean when I say that this is one of the most un-optimized PC ports of this year. The Beta was fine, I don’t know how they managed to mess it up for the final release. COD performs well on all consoles, but frame drops during intense fighting are common.

DO NOT BUY THIS GAME ON PC! The game is still pretty broken, although Steam charts suggest that there are quite a lot of players playing the game. If you want to play COD, just buy Black Ops 2, which still has a good player base.

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 review summary

Although I really like Advance Warfare, I just do not think BO 3 is worth the price tag. Many people would suggest that you should buy this game, but I strongly recommend that you take a look at some gameplay videos before you buy. I honestly tried my best to make this review positive, because I know the COD fans will not like what I said but it is true.

At least COD is still relevant to some extent. BO 3 is a good entry for NEW PLAYERS, not old players. When you consider the horrible PC port, the game becomes even more worthless.

Review Score: 5/10

Altamush Khan ‘Attish’ is a professional video game critic, video game developer and video game director currently working for Game Store Studios. He has his own Facebook page and Youtube Channel by the name of Ultimate Game Reviews
