Sindh to emerge as PTI’s fort in next elections: Firdous

March 22, 2021

KARACHI: Special Assistant to Punjab Chief Minister on Information Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan on Sunday said Sindh would become the fort of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in the next general elections.


She said that PTI’s tigers would give tough time to the provincial government. She stated this while addressing a press conference at the residence of Opposition Leader in Sindh Assembly Haleem Adil Shaikh after meeting his (Haleem) family here. “The PTI is going to give a message to the Sindh government that the party will not leave ground vacated in Sindh,” Dr Firdous said.

She paid tributes to Haleem Adil Shaikh for following the vision of Prime Minister Imran Khan and standing by his point of view. She said that Haleem did not fight war in favour of his personal interests but for the national cause. Dr Firdous said that fake and unfounded cases had been registered against Haleem Adil Shaikh. “I visited him in the hospital,” she said, adding that fake cases against him would work as oxygen for him.

Replying a question on Inspector General of Police (IGP) Sindh, she said the police chief should perform his duty in accordance with the law and Constitution instead of working as Sindh government’s personal servant.

She made it clear that Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar was not going anywhere. She said the Sindh government should follow the footprints of Usman Buzdar and retrieve lands from qabza mafia.
