Oprah cracks down on Prince Harry’s abuse of the ‘Hollywood game’

Oprah comes after Prince Harry over another misdemeanor in the ‘rules of the Hollywood game

By Web Desk
March 07, 2021


Royal experts fear Oprah Winfrey is nearing the edge of her patience with Prince Harry as well as his constant disregard for Hollywood rules and consistent upstaging antics.

This observation was brought forward by journalist and royal author Tina Brown. She told Express UK, "In Hollywood there’s been much consternation about how the timing of Harry’s larky bus trip stunt with James Corden once again dissed the Queen — not his grandma for a change, but America’s Queen, Oprah Winfrey. Who does that?’”

She added, “Who gives an exclusive heart-to-heart to Oprah, then goes off before it’s aired and does a knockabout with Corden when Her Media Majesty’s much-touted scoop is still in the can? No doubt it was supposed to be ‘just fun’, but Corden was sly enough to slip in news-making questions that rained on Oprah’s parade.”

"Harry and Meghan, it’s very clear, want to be all-conquering celebrities. But there are rules of the game in Hollywood — just as there are at Buckingham Palace."
