Meghan Markle's Oprah Winfrey interview blocked by the Palace two years ago

Meghan Markle was left with no choice but shelve the interview, back in 2019

By Web Desk
March 03, 2021

Meghan Markle was left with no choice but shelve the interview, back in 2019


Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were left blindsided after they were forced not to make an appearance at the Oprah Winfrey tell-all interview.

In a shocking detail that surfaced recently it was stated that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were blocked by the Palace to not take part in the interview, which has been in the making for two years now!

Originally set to be held with CBS host Gayle King, Meghan and Harry were left with no choice but shelve the chat, back in 2019.

A palace source told Daily Mail, "It was seen as a huge stride away from the usual methodology of Royal PR. It caused friction with the Sussexes, and a feeling that this was forbidden.

"That led to tension with courtiers as the pair wanted to tell their stories about philanthropic and personal matters. Certainly from their side there was an element of feeling handcuffed and not having full ownership of their image.

"This interview has been two years in the making with either Gayle or Oprah asking the questions. In reality it is the two of them prepping for the in-depth conversation,' the source said.
