Queen Elizabeth tells Prince Harry she is ‘delighted’ for him and Meghan Markle

'Prince Harry has spoken to the Queen, and she told him she was delighted he and Meghan have found happiness'

By Web Desk
February 28, 2021


Queen Elizabeth's relationship with Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has been subject to quite a few speculations ever since the couple took their leave from the UK.

In spite of hearsay suggesting a feud has been brewing ever since the Duke and Duchess of Sussex decided to step back as senior members of the British royal family, the truth seems to be much simpler and not at all filled with drama.

An insider, close to Harry, told Daily Mirror in an interview that the monarch is ‘delighted’ for the couple as they find happiness across the pond in their new lives in America.

"Harry has spoken to the Queen, and she told him she was delighted he has found happiness. She has seen him struggle with his position in the family and had always had a great deal of affection and sympathy for him,” said the source.

The source further described their conversation as ‘harmonious’, one between a "caring grandmother and her grandson".
