PDM’s no-trust against PM to fail, says Chaudhry Sarwar

By News Desk
January 25, 2021

LAHORE: Punjab Governor Chaudhry Muhammad Sarwar has said that the PDM should remember the outcome of no-confidence motion in Senate before bringing the move against Prime Minister Imran Khan. Talking to party delegations on Sunday, the governor said that the opposition that failed outside parliament would fail inside parliament as well. There are as many narratives as parties in the PDM, the governor said. The midterm elections are out of question, he added.


The governor said that the PDM leaders who wanted to bring no-confidence motion against the government lacked confidence amongst themselves and in fact, they are dubious of one another. There is no such thing as unity in the opposition and they are trying to protect their political interests only, he maintained.

Chaudhry Sarwar said that this was the same PDM who announced resignations from the assemblies on 31 January, but then these people were not sticking to their words and there is a clear division among them on the issue of long march. Therefore, I am sure that the opposition alliance which could not resign and hold a long march will not be able to bring the no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Imran Khan. The opposition should remember the outcome of its no-confidence move against Senate chairman.

The governor said that Prime Minister Imran Khan had taken a principled stance against corruption and he would not back down from it. After the government's success on economic and other fronts, the opposition parties are unable to understand how they can stay politically alive. The opposition has no option but to accept the government's mandate.

Ch Sarwar said that general elections would be held only after the end of the government's constitutional term. Fulfilling the constitutional term is the democratic right of the PTI government. The government has saved Pakistan from economic bankruptcy with its successful economic policies, he added.
