2021: The year of cautious optimism

It will be a year of recovery with its fair share of challenges....

By Adeela Akmal
January 05, 2021


Right now, everybody has the same thought in mind ‘Will this year be easier than 2020?’ For this, we spoke to Fazeel Khan, an avid student of astrology, to help us figure out what the New Year holds for all of us. According to Khan, “Easy is not exactly on the immediate horizon, but it’s time to start putting the pieces of life back together.” This will be a politically charged time globally but, holistically, it will be a year of recovery with its fair share of challenges.


There are some major events that will occur this year such as three Mercury retrogrades – 30th Jan to 20th February, 9th May to 22nd June, 27th September to 18th October – during which continue working towards your goals, but double-check emails and try not to sign major contracts. Eclipses can be messy and lead to dramatic and sudden endings… and there will be four of them – Lunar around the end of May, Solar during early June, Lunar after mid November and finally Solar during early December.

Then, Pluto will also be in retrograde during April to October. “When this planet goes retrograde, society looks hard at what must be left behind so better ways of living can take its place. Because this cycle occurs in Capricorn, which governs wealth, this time may indicate efforts to redistribute wealth and make financial amends from the economic fallout caused by COVID-19. I also feel that we might be going back to pre-Covid era during this time,” predicts Fazeel. “Also, a lot of people coming out of isolation may feel it’s a good time to reconnect with an ex/toxic relation… please don’t do that,” he advises.


(March 21st - April 19th)

Things are looking up on the love front, Aries, as Venus is entering around March. You are generally known as the hot-headed ones, so Fazeel suggests, “Don’t let your temper get in the way. This will also be a good time to improve on relationships and expect better. Clear out the baggage before you start your new beginnings and don’t confuse what comes easily as boring.”

This year things might be lenient as there won’t be a lot of back and forth when it comes to career. “You are passionate and driven naturally, so it’s time to start channelling that energy. Your focus should be on re-evaluating on how you make a living and focus on money matters. There’s a new moon coming on 20th October, so this would be a good time for you so plan here,” tells Fazeel.


(April 20th - May 20th)

Remember to be confident, Taurus! Even as financial fallout continues from COVID-19, the next 12 months will include some life-changing opportunities and decisions regarding your professional life, so get ready to make money moves. “You might be feeling confident around mid-April as it is generally a good time for you. Lucky planet Jupiter will help you so continue your focus on your career. However, you will get a small reality check around mid-May. Remember, dreams aren’t enough. You must put hard work and action into your professional ambitions or else they will float away,” explains Fazeel.

On a personal level, there might be challenges but it’s a stable year. “Uranus is still in the house this year, so expect things to flip (not in a good way, maybe) since this planet will be pinching you throughout the year personally and professionally,” informs Khan.


(May 21st - June 20th)

You are the social butterfly of the zodiac and you thrive off of human interactions. So, 2020 was a particularly difficult time for you. However, this year will be better in that regard. Your hard work pays off again in 2021 when lucky Jupiter enters your house of Social Status mid-May, where it will stay until the end of July. “Use this to highlight the areas in your life that need progress. Channel this energy to apply for a new job, promotion or take up a venture. This is the sweet spot for big plans, like a wedding, a business plan. Moreover, Mercury is a ruler for you, so when it’s in retrograde it will get emotionally challenging. So, watch out for those dates, avoid encounters, but other than that it’s a good year,” says Fazeel. For money matters, according to Khan, you can sometimes be a little extravagant, so try to re-evaluate how you deal with money this time around.


(June 21st - July 22nd)

Self-love is the theme for the year, Cancerians. Money and career is a little stagnant as compared to last year though; for that, you must stay away from risks.

On a personal level, you will likely be taking a hard look at your relationships. “While friend breakups are painful, especially for Cancers, know that this will only make room for new lovers and friends that are even more compatible with who you are now. Try to allow yourself to fully blossom this year, unrestrained by the demands of everyone around you; to do so, you’ll need to rid your life of any toxic relationships. Venus goes retrograde after mid-December, so romance may take a nosedive, so watch out for that,” warns Fazeel.


(July 23rd - August 22nd)

The year starts off with a good note but the rest of it doesn’t seem so great. Brace yourself and save your crop for the tough time ahead, Leos. If you have big plans keep it for the first quarter. “Your goal for 2021 is to practice patience and learn to wait for the things that you deserve. Uranus will be in the House of Career and Ambition for you. The innovative planet squares off with Saturn three times this year, on February 17, again on June 14, and finally on December 24. Try to save during this time and don’t be experimenting in your love life too. Moreover, don’t expect instant gratification,” enlightens Khan.


(August 23rd - September 22nd)

Virgos, your theme in 2021 is to set up boundaries and stop biting off more than you can chew.

According to Khan, if you’re in something that’s not really working for you or your partner, be prepared to let go – and while letting go is healthy, it’s also important to realise breakups are hard. No all Virgos will experience the end of a relationship this year, but if it happens, it’s important to feel the feels rather than sweep it under the rug. “Make a note of all the eclipses in your planner (we know you own one) because any eclipse can be dramatic and lead to sudden change. In particular, the solar eclipse in the second week of June lights up your 10th House, which governs your career. If you’ve been pushing for a raise, a new job, or to relocate; major professional shifts may occur around this date,” foretells Fazeel.


(September 23rd - October 22nd)

Congratulations, Libra! The time you took isolating in 2020 means you’ve evolved enough to have healthy relationships, as long as you put in the work needed to sustain them. According to Fazeel, being the sign of relationships, most Librans get pleasure from romantic relationships as it is crucial to their mental and emotional well-being. “You may be able to level up a relationship or meet someone who is in it for the long-haul. You can expect things to remain grounded yet positive. It’s a good time to start getting serious,” he enthuses. “Watch out for the Mercury retrogrades, especially the last one, because the final cycle occurs in your sign; so you will feel its effects stronger than usual. You know the rules: Expect communication mishaps and travel delays. Double-check your emails and triple check the fine print on any important documents,” he adds. As for money matters, it’s a bumpy road economically earlier in the year, so gear up for that.


(October 23rd - November 21st)

All’s well that ends well, Scorpio. Sure, this year will be a little bumpy but there is light at the end of the tunnel. “Unpredictable Uranus will be in your House of Partnership all year, so, expect some challenges your way specifically in terms of relationships. But, keep the good stuff at the end. For you, the final eclipse of the year, which takes place around early December, could bring money. Astrology can’t promise income (especially not in this economy) but if there was a day to expect more cash flow, it’s this one. As for your love life, communication is everything. When Venus goes retrograde in mid-December, we get a chance to re-do mistakes in our love life. For you, this means using more direct communication with your partner,” describes Fazeel.


(November 22nd - December 21st)

According to Khan, the lunar eclipse in May will remind you to pull back and focus on you. Don’t be surprised if an unhealthy relationship or habit ends swiftly around this time. During eclipses, practice self-soothing to avoid any fire sign meltdowns.

While you don’t usually worry about Mercury retrograde as much as other signs, do double-check your plans to avoid any annoyances. Who knows what the deal will be with travel as we continue to reckon with the pandemic in 2021, but it likely won’t snap back to normal anytime soon. Last year was pretty much a hassle, you can expect this year to be less economically but more challenging during the middle. Overall, it will be a balanced year.


(December 22nd - January 19th)

2021 is all about doing (and getting) what you want, Capricorn! There may be a lot of uncertainty or changes in your domestic life throughout the year. For this, Khan suggests that you find a balance between surviving and thriving, as the alignment of the stars may be encouraging, but astrology can’t write you a cheque. “Capricorns often see success later in life, as you climb slowly and steadily toward your goals. You can be conservative when it comes to your business approach. While this keeps you out of trouble, it also limits your potential at times; it’s time to learn to take calculated risks. Raise your rate. Take on more projects that fulfil you creatively, and say no to things that you know will be more trouble than they’re worth,” he elucidates.

As for your love life, you may have a tendency to be stubborn or to believe that you’re always right. While these traits can be endearing to those who love you, the may also hold you back in your love life or your career. Try to catch yourself when you engage in these patterns and get to the root of what’s happening; there may be better ways to deal with your emotions.


(January 20th - February 18th)

2020 was a period of hibernation for you and you couldn’t make many big plans. After a year of working on your issues, this is the time to reap the benefits. “It can sometimes be harder for you to accept love than criticism, Aquarius, but remind yourself that you deserve it. With generous Jupiter in your sign, opportunities for work and money come your way. It would be a sin not to snatch them up in this economy. This is what you have been waiting for, make the most of it,” encourages Fazeel.


(February 19th - March 20th)

The year 2021 is going to be very lucky and dynamic for Pisces in all spheres of life. From mid-January until mid-March you have many planets to assist you in new areas of your life – you are supported and feel that this is your time to promote your ideas.

Fazeel envisages, “You may feel that some joint partnerships are taking more than giving back until May, but patience will pay off around August and September when you get the reward from these other people. You have all the chances to earn unworked money in November and December.” For love life, he forsees, “In January-February of 2021, love is related to friendship, collective activities, conferences, congresses, or shows you attend. June-July of 2021 is another intense period, predicting a lot of passion in your life. This is probably the most exciting year for you to meet a new love or form new friendships.”

Here’s to a great year!
