Punjab CM Usman Buzdar contracts coronavirus

Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan blames the PDM for Punjab CM Usman Buzdar contracting coronavirus

By Web Desk
December 21, 2020
Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar. — Photo: File

Punjab Chief Minister Usman Buzdar contracted coronavirus, confirmed his aide Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan on Monday.

According to a tweet by the chief minister's assistant, the CM Punjab had contracted the infection.


She blamed the Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) and their recklessness in holding public rallies and disregarding coronavirus health guidelines as being the cause for a "cautious" man like the chief minister contracting the infection.

"A sample of the chief minister was taken today for the [coronavirus] test after after he felt ill," a source at the Chief Minister House had informed Geo News. "The chief minister had quarantined himself after feeling sick."

Pakistan, like many other countries around the globe, is braving the second wave of the coronavirus.

Pakistan's health ministry revealed that 80 more people had died on Saturday, bringing the country's total death toll to 9,330.

Coronavirus cases have once again spiked across the country, ever since Pakistan announced opening schools, colleges, universities and all educational institutions.

The government has rejected demands for a complete lockdown across the country. However, it has urged people to practice social distancing and adhered to health guidelines related to the novel coronavirus.
