Two teenagers held for sexually assaulting minor boy

By Our Correspondent
December 20, 2020

Two teenagers were arrested for their alleged involvement in sexually assaulting a minor boy in District Central of Karachi on Saturday.


According to police, the two suspects were arrested during a search operation in the Paposh Nagar area. They were identified as 16-year-old Zubairuddin and 15-year-old Zainul Abideen.

Police said both the teenagers were students and they had sexually assaulted a minor boy who was playing outside his residence in the Paposh Nagar area.

A case has been registered against the suspects on the request of the victim’s father and further investigations are under way.

Incidents of sexual assaults on minors have unfortunately been increasing as a day earlier on Friday, police arrested a man for an alleged sexual assault on a 10-year-old boy in the Surjani Town area. Police identified the suspect as Areeb and the victim as the son of a welfare organisation’s volunteer.

Police said the incident took place in Gulshan-e-Surjani, adding that the boy was playing outside his residence when the suspect took him to a playground in the area where he sexually assaulted him.
