Humane treatment

While our society does not neglect the physical existence of mentally challenged people, it knowingly or unknowingly forgets the human part of their existence. Instead of finding out what has been the cause of their emotional turmoil, people subject them to inhumane treatment. They are either locked up, chained, or

By our correspondents
November 25, 2015
While our society does not neglect the physical existence of mentally challenged people, it knowingly or unknowingly forgets the human part of their existence. Instead of finding out what has been the cause of their emotional turmoil, people subject them to inhumane treatment. They are either locked up, chained, or made part of vigorous treatments that in most cases are not required. They live their lives in ways different from us. Their means and mode of actions may reveal themselves in ways that society does not deem acceptable.
It is time we should put an end to the cruel treatment that these people are subjected to and start finding ways that will help in determining and understanding the root cause of their issues and complications.
Hassnain Qasim

