For your immunity & wellbeing

This week You! shares a few benefits of vitamin C, one of the most essential nutrients for human body…

By Gul Nasreen
November 17, 2020


We are right at the cusp of winter. Just as a soldier prepares for battle, we need to prepare for the violent snowstorm that is flu and cold season. Solidifying the shield of our immune system in winters is essential to protect us from getting sick this season. One thing that will help us fortify and strengthen our fortress is vitamin C.


Vitamin C is an important vitamin and antioxidant that the body uses to keep you strong and healthy. It is used in the maintenance of organs, bones, muscle, and blood vessels. Among other benefits, Vitamin C oil can also be applied on skin to keep it hydrated in cold weather. It can also be used in combination with other vitamins and in that way, it becomes more useful for inner and outer health.

Reduces cholesterol

Vitamin C plays a crucial role in reducing cholesterol levels. It widens the blood vessels and this could help protect against heart disease, hypertension, or high blood pressure. It boosts the conversion of cholesterol into bile salts, which are easily eliminated by the body.

Protect kidneys, eyes & nerves

Patients are less likely to experience deterioration of the kidneys, eyes, and nerves if they eat plenty of fruit and vegetables that are rich in vitamin C.

For a healthy skin

For winter season, when skin tends to be drier, consider switching to a vitamin C oil. It'll boost radiance by first delivering vitamin C and then locking hydration into skin. Its intake in the form of food is also beneficial for healthy skin as it promotes collagen production, which has the potential to thicken the dermis, diminish fine lines, and is essential for a firm youthful skin. To be very specific, vitamin C is an antioxidant and protects skin cells from damaging free radicals caused by UV exposure. On top of it, vitamin C inhibits melanin production in the skin which helps in lightening hyperpigmentation and brown spots, even out skin tone, and enhance skin radiance. We can make the best use of the vitamin C by combining it with other antioxidants such as vitamin E and Ferulic acid. Together they work wonder to turn into an anti-aging and skin brightening nutrient to keep the skin healthy and provide a natural glow. It also functions best with vitamin B and hyaluronic acid for a hydrated and plump skin.

Increases collagen

Vitamin C plays an important role in the production of collagen, L-carnitine, and some neurotransmitters. It helps metabolise proteins and its antioxidising property decreases the risk of free radicals in the body which cause various cancers. Moreover, collagen, which vitamin C helps produce, is the main component of connective tissue and the most abundant protein in mammals. Around 1 to 2 per cent of muscle tissue is collagen. It is a vital component in fibrous tissues such as tendons, ligaments, skin, cornea, cartilage, bones, the gut and blood vessels.

Wound healing

Research says that wounds, cuts, and grazes may heal faster in people who have a higher intake of vitamin C than is usually available in their food. This may be because vitamin C contributes to collagen production. In the case of wound healing, research has suggested that wounds took longer to heal if someone had scurvy. Scurvy results from vitamin C deficiency. Its symptoms include swollen joints, bleeding gums and loose teeth, anaemia, and tiredness. The role of vitamin C as an antioxidant also helps repair tissue and reduce damage from inflammation and oxidation.

Good for gums

Vitamin C strengthen your gums and the soft tissue in your mouth. It can protect against gingivitis; the early stage of gum disease, and can prevent your teeth from loosening.

Fights off infections People with adequate levels of vitamin C are thought to be better able to fight off infections compared to people with vitamin C deficiency. Vitamin C may also help prevent acute respiratory infections, especially in people with malnutrition and those who are physically stressed.


Vitamin C may help lower the risk of cataracts as well as of age-related macular degeneration.

Can kill tuberculosis Researchers have also found that vitamin C can fight out drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) bacteria. Another study suggests that adding vitamin C to TB drugs could shorten the therapy.

Women need more Vitamin C...

New researches suggest that women and men require different amount of vitamin C consumption and women should be at least having 90 mg of vitamin C every day. Until now, both women and men were urged to take 75 mg of vitamin C per day.

Essential in pregnancy

During pregnancy, pregnant women should have 85 mg of vitamin C a day, and 120 mg while breast-feeding. It is good for foetal health and also good for health of the expecting mothers.


Supplements of vitamin C have recently been recognised as having an important role in the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis because of its ability to increase the density of bones.

Sources of Vitamin

Vitamin C is found naturally in vegetables and fruits (mostly preferred as you find other nutrients such as folic acid and fibre too), especially oranges and other citrus fruits. This key vitamin is also available as a natural dietary supplement in the form of vitamin C pills and vitamin C chewable tablets.

Research says that out body needs a daily intake of vitamin C because it is water soluble, and the body does not store it. Consuming red peppers and other vegetables should provide enough vitamin C for most people. Heat and cooking in water can destroy some of the vitamin C content, so raw foods are best. Foods containing vitamin C include red pepper, oranges, fresh strawberries, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes and potatoes.

Other benefits:

Vitamin C deficiency Anaemia: Vitamin C deficiency anaemia can occur if you do not have a healthy diet or are not taking a supplement for it. Symptoms include tiredness, rapid heartbeat, feeling cold, and a red and swollen tongue.

Histamine reduction: Histamine is a substance the immune system produces, resulting in inflammation and other problems. Vitamin C is known as an antihistamine which means it can lower histamine levels and mitigate allergic reactions and symptoms.
