Meghan Markle got the same 'terrible' treatment from royals like Philip and Diana

The way Meghan Markle was treated was not all too different from the way other members were

By Web Desk
November 11, 2020


Meghan Markle’s time with the British royal family was known to have had quite an adverse effect on her owing the immense scrutiny and the suffocating life.

The Duchess of Sussex, as per a royal historian, received the same treatment from the royal household as other members who entered the family.

Kate Williams explained that the way Meghan and Prince Harry were treated was not all too different from the way other members were who had been embroiled in scandals.

During an interview on BBC Breakfast, Williams spoke about the couple’s trip to France on a private jet which received quite a lot of flak to the point that singer Elton John had to step in and issue a clarification.

"Elton's tweets, he was obviously very upset about this he thought it was a private visit and he was paying for it so who would be concerned,” said Williams.

"He obviously felt he had to speak out and there was a huge amount of coverage on social media, and a lot of support he got. But I think that everyone who marries into the Royal Family has a terrible time,” she went on to say.

"Prince Philip was called a Nazi when he was actually fighting on the Allied side. Diana was hounded and she was chased, and I think we forget actually that often she was heavily criticised before that, about doing the wrong thing and going above her station. And really, she got a huge amount of criticism,” she continued.
