Punjab govt to impose smart lockdowns in areas with high coronavirus cases: Dr Firdous

If markets in Punjab are found violating coronavirus SOPs, they will be shut down, says Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan

By Web Desk
November 09, 2020
A teacher (R) checks the body temperature of children wearing facemasks at a school in Lahore on September 30, 2020. — AFP/Files

LAHORE: Special Assistant to the Chief Minister of Punjab for Information Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan said Monday that the province had decided to impose smart lockdowns in areas where cases of the virus are surging.

The special assistant, addressing media in Lahore, said that the implementation of coronavirus Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) will be ensured in marriage halls, as it was the "season of marriages" and the government could not stop them from taking place.


Speaking about the markets, the special assistant said that a meeting would take place between government representatives and the traders' community to decide the future course of action.

She warned that the government will take action where it is found that coronavirus SOPs are being ignored. "However, if the markets are found in violation of the coronavirus SOPs, then they will be shut down."

The special assistant said that a lockdown would be imposed in the areas where more cases were being reported.

4,136 micro lockdowns imposed across Pakistan

Earlier in the day, theNational Command and Operations Centre (NCOC) had said that at least 4,136 micro lockdowns have been imposed across Pakistan to curb the rising spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

A total of 1,650 people had tested positive for the coronavirus in the country on Sunday, bringing the tally to 344,839 with 18,981 active cases as of November 9.

The death toll reached 6,977 with nine people succumbing to the virus in the past 24 hours.

Sharp increase in COVID-19 positivity ratio

Moreover, a sharp increase in the COVID-19 positivity rate has been witnessed in the past several weeks with the number surpassing 15% in Hyderabad, Gilgit, and Multan.

According to the NCOC, the overall positivity rate stands at 4.5% with Hyderabad reporting the highest at 16.59%. Multan recorded 15.97%, Gilgit 15.38, Muzafarabad 14.12 % , Mirpur 11.11% , Peshawar 9.69%, Quetta 8.03%, Islamabad 7.48 %, Karachi 7.12% , Lahore 5.37 % and Rawalpindi reported 4.63% positivity.
