Two colleges sealed over COVID cases

By Our Correspondent
October 04, 2020

Islamabad:The district administration on Saturday sealed Islamabad College for Boys, G-6/3, and Islamabad Model College for Girls, F-7/4, for five days after the detection of coronavirus among staff members.


The development comes in line with the guidelines issued by the national health services ministry to stem the spread of coronavirus after the recent reopening of educational institutions.

According to District Health Officer Dr Zaeem Zia, the school buildings will be disinfected, while contacts of the confirmed cases will be traced. "Measures are taken to ensure the safety of students and school staff," he said. The DHO said the schools would reopen on Monday (October 12) but that would happen only after the building was cleared by his office. He said three staff members of the IMCB G-6/3 and some of the IMCG F-7/4 tested positive for coronavirus.

The DHO said any educational institution recording more than two positive COVID-19 cases would be sealed on an immediate basis. He said there was no need to worry as all confirmed cases were in the DHO office's records and necessary actions were being taken.
