Yaum-e-Ashur today

By Agencies
August 30, 2020

By Our correspondent


ISLAMABAD/KARACHI/LAHORE/QUETTA: Yaum-e-Ashur, the 10th of Muharram, would be observed today (Sunday) all over the country as 9th of Muharram has been observed across the country on Saturday in solemnity to honour the memory of Karbala.

Processions on 10th Muharram will be taken out in different cities to mourn the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him). Religious Affairs Minister Dr Noorul Haq Qadri in a statement on Saturday said the supreme sacrifice of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) in Karbala taught a lesson to all and sundry to firmly stand against tyranny and injustice.

Strict security arrangements have been made with the federal government announcing a two-day holidays. Cellular services would be suspended in major cities along routes the mourning processions are set to pass through. Cellular service remained suspended in the federal capital till the end of the procession on Saturday. Service remained suspended in Islamabad’s Sector G-7 and G-6.

In Quetta the main procession will leave from Nasirul Azra Imam Bargah. Strict security measures have been taken with cellular services suspended in the city.

In Karachi 6,368 police officials have been deployed in the city with snipers posted at main procession routes according to a police spokesperson. Procession route and surrounding streets and alleys have been cordoned off with containers. Police and Rangers have also been deployed for security while the procession will be monitored through CCTV cameras.

The main procession in Karachi will proceed from Nishtar Park and will end at Hussainiya Iranian after going through its designated routes. Procession participants will offer noon prayers in front of Imambargah Ali Raza on MA Jinnah Road.

The Sindh government has also imposed a ban on pillion riding on Muharram 9 and 10 to avoid any untoward incident and maintain law and order in the province. A ban has also been imposed on carrying arms or ammunition assembly of five or more persons (with the exception of Muharram processions).

In Rohri the procession will be taken out from Imam Shahrah-e-Iraq with hundreds of pilgrims and mourners from across the country attending.

Security has also been beefed up in Peshawar, Multan, Sargodha and Hangu as the cities prepare for 9th Muharram processions. Cellular service has also been suspended in these cities with extra police officials deployed to thwart off any unwanted incident.

Security has been upgraded in many districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa after threats of attacks and busting of a terrorist group in Charsadda district which according to officials was planning attacks on police during Muharram.

As many as 43 checkpoints have been set up in Peshawar while security has been upgraded at 64 entry points to the city.

In Islamabad the main procession of Taazia and Zuljinah was scheduled at Markazi Imambargah G-6/2 and it will terminated at the same place after passing through the traditional route.

Elaborate security arrangements have been made to avoid any untoward incident during the mourning processions. Special traffic plan for the processions of 9th of Muharram-ul-Haram had also been chalked out. – SABAH

Meanwhile, President Dr Arif Alvi and Prime Minister Imran Khan urged countrymen to strive for national progress and prosperity while shunning mutual differences, sectarian biases, and faith-based hate, in light of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA)’s teachings.

In his message on the occasion of Ashura, the president and the prime minister said that since the beginning, Allah bestowed special status to the 10th of Muharramul-Haram.

They hoped that the people would adhere to anti-COVID 19 SOPs during the Ashura rituals in light of the guidelines issued after consultation with the religious scholars. As the pandemic is not yet over, we must still show further precaution, they advised.

Many of the remarkable historic incidents had taken place on this day, be it the acceptance of Holy Prophet Adam’s apology, safe arrival of Hazrat Noah’s ark at Mount Jodi, turning of Namrood’s fire into coolness for Hazrat Ibrahim (AS) and the martyrdom of Hazrat Umar (RA).

The president and premier said that the martyrdom of Hazrat Imam Hussain (RA) and his companions had eternally enriched the significance of 10th of Muharram in the Islamic history. The sacrifice of Imam Hussain (RA) gave Muslims a lesson that one should not evade even sacrificing his life while fighting against the evil forces.

They said the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (RA) was in fact the victory of truth, and symbol of steadfastness against oppression and a glorious example of sacrifice. They said Muharramul Haram instilled a passion which made the followers cope with any ordeal.

They said the Pakistani nation had shown exemplary discipline during its fights against coronavirus.

They urged the countrymen to make a pledge to take every step for victory of truth, promotion of justice, adherence to Islamic values, and for national progress and prosperity. They prayed to Allah Almighty to turn the new Islamic year as year of development and prosperity for Pakistan.

Meanwhile, former president and President Pakistan People’s Party Parliamentarians Asif Ali Zardari and Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari Saturday said that following the principle of truth and righteousness of Imam Aali Muqam Hazrat Imam Hussain we should vow today not to surrender before any tyrant of the time.

In his message on Yume Ashur, Asif Ali Zardari said Imam Aali Muqam offered supreme sacrifices for the will of Allah Almighty thus keeping the flag of Islam hoisting high. “The courage displayed by the Imam and his family is exemplary and a beacon of hope for humanity,” he said.

Today, he said everyone without the prejudice of cast, creed or religion, has the highest regard for Imam Hussain and his family because of their pious characteristics and the determination with which they fought against tyranny. Asif Ali Zardari said that we condemn those who in the garb of religion, try to divide the nation.

In a message on the Yom-e-Ashur, Chairman PPP Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has called upon the people to “follow in the footsteps of Imam Hussain in resisting tyranny, falsehood and oppression”.

He said tyranny and falsehood wherever it may be, whether nearer the home or far away, whether in Kashmir or in Palestine, must be fought and the tyrant’s head put down. “Torture and enforced disappearances are also a tyranny and the Yom-e-Ashur this year is significant also as it falls on the eve of international day of the disappeared,” he said.

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari said on this day therefore let us also condemn and resist the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity anywhere in the world.

Falsehood and oppression is a weapon employed by militants and extremists, he said and asked the people to be watchful against the designs of the fanatics. “Today we reiterate our resolve to never submit before oppression and injustice nor let the evil triumph over the good and the noble,” he said.

He said on this day we also pay homage to the immortal martyrs of Karbala and pray that may Allah be pleased with them all.
