Virtual exhibition

By Shahab Ansari
July 30, 2020

LAHORE:Grand online art exhibition-Art Influx-is going on at Ejaz Art Gallery. This e-exhibition is virtually showcasing contemporary artworks by 90 dedicated and internationally renowned artists from all over Pakistan. The idea of “Art Influx”, as a part of e-exhibition series, was perceived to reassure and encourage the art community to stay focused, inspired, and not to stop their art practice in Covid-19 era. Curators Hira Siddiqui, Mahaa Ashraf, Robella Ahmad and Umnah Laraib are ecstatic and enthusiastic to curate this virtual exhibition as they got a remarkable response from the artists. All 90 artists participating in this mega event in the present Corona affected environment have created exceptional art during Covid-19 pandemic, which shows extraordinary talents, unique aesthetics and their dedication to stay creative during this critical time. They explored their artistic concerns through paintings, sculptures, video art and other art forms. Each artist illuminates the complexity of the self with a unique and bold vision.

