Micron sprayers sought to fight locusts

By Our Correspondent
June 11, 2020

Islamabad : British High Commissioner Christian Turner called on National Disaster Management Authority chairman Lieutenant General Muhammad Afzal and discussed with him the situation arising out of coronavirus outbreak and locust attack in Pakistan.


The NDMA chairman informed the visitor about steps being taken to cope with the emergency.

He said in view of growing number of coronavirus cases in Pakistan, demand for isolation beds and ventilators had increased.

Lt-Gen Muhammad Afzal said the UK could provide oxygen beds and Bilevel Positive Airway Pressure ventilators to Pakistan.

He urged the UK to ensure early provision of micron sprayers.

The British envoy lauded the NDMA's role in the context of COVID-19 pandemic and said his country would provide every possible cooperation to Pakistan in the current difficult times.

"We are making joint efforts in cooperation with international partners for the provision of oxygen beds and BiPAP ventilators. The early delivery of micron sprayers will be ensured to fight locust in Pakistan," he said.
