PML-F district bodies dissolved Asim Hussain

June 06, 2020

LAHORE Functional Secretary General Muhammad Ali Durrani has announced dissolving all the district bodies of the party in Punjab and directed re-organisation of the party in the province immediately. Muhammad Ali Durrani has taken the decision in consultation with PML-F Punjab President Makhdoom Ashraf Iqbal with an objective to reactivate the party in the province and to prepare for the next general elections, said an announcement on Friday. According to sources, Muhammad Ali Durrani is trying to bring a veteran leader of Pakisan Tehreek Insaf (PTI) from Punjab to join the PML-F in a couple of days. Mustafa Rasheed, younger brother of PTI Minister Mian Mehmoodur Rasheed, is likely to be appointment as PML-F Punjab general secretary within next few days. Mustafa Rasheed has been a key leader of PTI ever since it was launched more than two decades ago.M uhammad Ali Durrani has been bringing about changes to the organisational structure of the party and has also inducted both experienced hands and young blood in the party to make the party appeal the general masses at all social levels. A respected political and social figure, and a noted economist and industrialist, Maqsood Butt, has been appointed as the party’s central vice president a couple of days back.

