Wonders of vegetable juices!

For health-conscious girls looking for a quick and convenient way to boost their nutrient intake, adding vegetable juices to our diet just might be it. You! takes a look…

By Gul Nasreen
June 02, 2020


Whether you are looking to fuel yourself with some instant energy drink or planning to go all organic to maintain your beauty regime, adding juices to our diet is the best way to kick-start. Since vegetables add so many nutrients and antioxidants to your diet, why not try drinking vegetable juice? In recent years, juicing has gained widespread popularity among health-conscious individuals looking for a quick and convenient way to boost their nutrient intake. However, if you’re new to juicing, here are some options that you can choose from...


Carrot: Due to their slightly sweet flavour and impressive nutrient profile, carrots are a perfect choice for juicing. Carrots are low in calories, rich in vitamin A, biotin, and potassium. They’re also high in carotenoids, which may be linked to a lower risk of eye disease, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. The sweetness of carrot juice combines well with other commonly juiced vegetables and fruits, such as citrus fruits, ginger, and beets.

For a refreshing drink, combine a pound of grated carrots, 2 pears, 2 tbsp of grated ginger, 3 tbsp lemon juice, 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar, a kosher salt to taste with 1/2 cup of water and puree until smooth. Strain the shrub through a sieve lined with 3 layers of cheesecloth, pressing on the solids. Serve in 2 glasses over ice.

Spinach: Spinach is a leafy green vegetable that brings a mild, fresh flavour to smoothies and juices. Spinach is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants and nitrates. It may reduce blood pressure. Fresh spinach juice made with apple is far more pleasurable and drinkable compared with plain and pure juice of spinach. It is known for its cleansing abilities as it purifies the blood and eliminates accumulated toxins from the cells and if that’s not all, it also helps to regenerate and rebuild the body.

Blend 2 cups of chopped spinach, an apple, a stalk of celery, lime or lemon juice to taste, and

3/4 cup water. Strain it through a sieve and serve this detox drink with ice!

Tomato: Tomatoes are a kitchen staple and great for using in your juicer. Tomatoes have powerful anti-inflammatory effects and are rich in vitamin C, potassium, folate, and lycopene. Pair tomatoes with celery, cucumber, and parsley for a refreshing, healthy juice.

For a weight loss drink, start by washing 900 grams of tomatoes and chop them in quarters. Make sure you deseed them. Fill a large pot with the chopped tomatoes and press the tomatoes against the base of the pot, press as much juice as you can. Make sure you have enough liquid pressed out of the tomatoes. If the mixture seems too dry to boil, add a few cups of water, until you have enough liquid in the pot to boil. Put the pot to boil, stir the contents from time to time. Add a pinch of salt or seasonings, if you like. Let it cool, strain and serve in a glass.

Cucumber: Cucumbers have high-water content, making them an excellent addition to your next juice. Cucumbers are high in potassium, manganese, and vitamins K and C. They can also help keep you hydrated and may reduce skin inflammation.

This healthy cucumber juice recipe is simple to make, low calorie, low fat but a great way to stay hydrated with added nutrients and minerals. Place cucumbers, some lemon and lemon zest along with mint leaves into a food processor or in a blender, and blend the ingredients until smooth. You can strain it before serving into a pitcher or bowl.

Beetroot: Beets are a good source of manganese, potassium, folate, and nitrates, which may help lower blood pressure and improve athletic performance and brain health. Not only do beets make a delicious addition to juices but also their leafy green tops – called beet greens – are highly nutritious and can be juiced as well. The simple mix of red beetroot, apple and celery tastes sweet and refreshing. You can add ginger and lemon to make it more delicious.

Celery: Celery contains vitamins A, K, and C, as well as several antioxidants. Studies show that celery extract may decrease inflammation and reduce blood pressure, triglycerides, and cholesterol levels. While there are combinations of recipes with this vegetable, celery on its own is one of the most powerful and healing juices we can drink. Just 16 ounces of fresh celery juice every morning on an empty stomach can transform your health and digestion in as little as one week.

Kale: Kale is a versatile leafy green with a mild flavour that pairs well with other fruits and veggies in juices. Kale is high in several important nutrients, including beta-carotene and vitamins A, C, and K. Plus; it has been shown to improve heart disease risk factors. Crisp and refreshing, kale juice is no doubt good for you. Blend 5 large kale leaves, 1-2 large cucumbers, 1 lemon juice, 1 apple, 1-inch knob ginger (peeled) and 1-2 large ribs celery; and enjoy!

Amla: A powerhouse of nutrients, amla is an excellent source of Vitamin C. It helps boost your immunity, metabolism and prevents viral and bacterial ailments, including cold and cough. Juicing amla is a quick way to boost your metabolism and to burn extra pounds in the process.

It is best to have amla juice first thing in the morning. Have a small portion (20-30 ml) diluted in a glass of water. You can choose to mix a bit of lemon juice and honey to enhance the palatability. Amla juice taken right before sleeping helps a great deal; it also helps in detoxifying the ill-effects of junk food.
