Iran condemns move of Zionists’ settlement on West Bank

By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir
April 27, 2020

ISLAMABAD: Iran has condemned recent Zionists’ moves of making new settlements & annexation parts of West Bank to the lands occupied by Israel in 1948.


These measures are in line with US President Donald Trump’s ominous “Deal of the Century," said Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman issued by the Iran embassy here in Islamabad on Sunday. "Such moves violate international laws & threaten the peace and security of the region," spokesperson said and called on the United Nations & other international organisations to counter these moves as defined in their duties & responsibilities.

"The occupying regime of the Holy Quds is exploiting the conditions created due to the coronavirus outbreak; the people of Palestine are fighting the coronavirus and other viruses such as occupation, siege, and sanctions," Seyed Abbas Mousavi added.
