Operation against child beggars continues

April 06, 2020

LAHORE:The Child Protection and Welfare Bureau (CPWB) is running the warning and awareness operation in the City to end child beggary and keep them safe from coronavirus.


CPWB Chairperson Sarah Ahmed said on Sunday that the bureau was utilising all its resources to root out child beggary. She said that despite various protective measures, including instructions for not coming out of home, it was observed that some professional beggars had not stopped begging on the roads and residential areas.

Sarah Ahmed said that the warning andawareness operation launched from April 4 had specially been focusingon child beggars tocreate awareness among them. In the second phase which would be launched from the next week, she added, the CPWB would take strict punitive action against them. She said that police would also assist the CPWB during the crackdown, adding that every effort would be made to end child beggary.
