Artistes on forefront to educate masses on coronavirus

By Shahab Ansari
March 26, 2020

LAHORE:The artiste community and the public welfare organisations have come forward for the sake of humanity and the people of Pakistan by helping the government and the masses in their own ways and are continuously appealing to the masses to stay home & stay safe.


Right from the day one, when the deadly coronavirus pandemic landed on our soil, the artistes including singers Rahat Feth Ali Khan, Shezad Roy, Ali Zafar, Abrar ul Haq, Jawad Ahmed, Nargis had been on the forefront to educate, sensitise and help their Pakistani brothers and sisters through their special messages, songs, donation campaigns and delivering special public service awareness messages on TV, in the newspapers and on the social media about the fatal menace of coronavirus.

The renowned socio l-cultural personalities, media icons, lawyers, writers, painters, sculptors, doctors, engineers, poets, teachers, sportsmen, women, film, stage, TV and visual arts related artists voluntarily took upon the task of making the unsuspecting public aware of deadly effects of coronavirus and kept educating the people about the simple, but most effective remedies and precautions to keep themselves safe from this fast growing global enemy of the mankind. The special songs by the Pakistani singers and the messages of the artists emphasised on the importance of the basic safety measures which include social distancing: stay some, stay safe, Frequently & Regularly Washing your hands for at least 20 seconds, Use of mask when going outdoors, the use of sanitisers when come in contact with any object outside or inside their homes.

Besides the official awareness campaign by the government of Pakistan and the provincial government’s special awareness campaigns through the mass media and through the highly respected religious and social personalities, the most effective and highly appreciated activity remained the economic support and the provision of food and ration by the social welfare organisations, philanthropic personalities and these artistes who also run their own NGOs.

It is a heart-warming fact that the people of Pakistan, may they belong to any segment, strata or level of society have come running forward, absolutely selflessly and voluntarily to help, support, assist and provide relief goods to doorsteps of the poor and destitute in order to save their fellow countrymen, like Abrar ul Haq’s Sahara For Life Welfare Trust, Jawad Ahmed’s Barabri Party and the Social welfare organizations like Bricks Foundation for the Nation spearheaded by its Chairperson Emma John.
