PML-N demands govt to include opposition’s plan for fighting corona

By Our Correspondent
March 26, 2020

LAHORE: The PML-N has approved Opposition’s joint national action plan against coronavirus and demanded the federal government to incorporate Opposition’s input in the national relief package to effectively combat the immediate healthcare and economic challenges in the country.


The PML-N Parliamentary Party meeting, conducted through video link here Wednesday, also unanimously approved a resolution to pay tribute to Dr Usama Riaz, who sacrificed his life in the fight against coronavirus, and recommended to the federal government to confer civil award on the martyr in recognition of his services while treating corona patients. The party also prayed for PML-N Quaid Nawaz Sharif’s health and successful heart surgery scheduled next week.

The party termed federal government’s relief package of Rs200 billion meaningless without execution plan. “It doesn’t envisage the contribution by the federal government and share of the provincial governments,” the party pointed out.

Addressing the parliamentary party meeting, Shahbaz Sharif said the PML-N had prepared a comprehensive and practicable national action plan in consultation with the Opposition leadership, party members and medical and economic experts, which had also been endorsed by the Opposition during Tuesday’s All Parties Conference (APC) on single-point agenda of fighting against coronavirus.

“It was need of the hour to develop a solid, comprehensive and practicable national strategy to avert the devastations of coronavirus and its resultant economic loss,” he said, adding that PML-N along with all Opposition parties would force the government to implement national action plan not just to protect the people from coronavirus but also to save them from adverse economic impact.

He directed the party senators, MNAs, MPAs, office-bearers and representatives of local governments to take an active part in relief and welfare activities. “It will also help identify the needs of the people and prepare a data bank to respond to the challenge effectively and in an organised manner,” he said, adding that working together can sail us through this crisis. “The challenge relates to our survival and national security,” he added. Shahbaz also conveyed Nawaz’s message of solidarity, good wishes and prayers to Pakistanis in testing time.
