Thai court dissolves key pro-democracy party

February 22, 2020

BANGKOK: A stridently anti-military Thai party was dissolved Friday and its key members banned from politics for a decade over a $6 million loan by its billionaire founder, a withering blow to the kingdom´s pro-democracy movement.


The ruling could edge the politically febrile kingdom -- whose economy is shrinking -- closer to the street protests that have scored much of the last 15 years of Thai history. The Future Forward Party (FFP), fronted by the charismatic auto-parts scion Thanathorn Juangroongruangkit, emerged from nowhere in March last year to become Thailand´s third biggest party in the first elections since a 2014 coup.

The party´s radical agenda -- calling for full democracy, an end to conscription and the removal of the army from politics and business -- won it 6.3 million votes and pitched it against the powerful, conservative military. But since their strong poll showing, Thanathorn and his 76 lawmakers have faced relentless rounds of legal cases in Thailand´s courts.

On Friday the nine-member constitutional court dissolved FFP, ruling a $6 million loan by Thanathorn breached the law governing political parties. The loan exceeded the $315,000 limit on donations to parties by an individual, one judge said. Sixteen party executives, including founder Thanathorn, were also "banned for running for political office for 10 years," judge Nakarin Mektriarat added. Future Forward has denied wrongdoing.

A defiant Thanthorn, who has 29 court cases lodged against him and his party, told supporters "don´t give up, don´t stop the dream." "In the darkest day for Thai society, I can that I did not sit still waiting for it to explode," he added, of establishing the now-disbanded party.

The same court has taken out several pro-democracy parties since 2008 and knocked two anti-establishment prime ministers from power. Calls for protest bounced around Thai social media late Friday, but in a nation wary of its generals it was unclear who would take the lead and how many people would follow.

The ruling puts a pin in the immediate political aspirations of Thanathorn, whose emergence on the Thai political stage has inspired millennials but frightened the country´s conservative establishment. "I don´t understand why they do this. Do they want people to come out on to the street?" a desolate FFP supporter at the party headquarters told AFP, requesting anonymity.
