Water conservation

January 19, 2020

During the last monsoon season, we were blessed with above-average levels of rainfall throughout the entire country. Nowadays, there is abundant snowfall, supplemented by rain in many parts of the country. All this water is going to waste as water conservation schemes have not been built to harness this gift. It is no surprise that Pakistan is among the most water-stressed countries in the world. Billions of dollars are being set aside for constructing costly dams to alleviate water shortage when the seasonal rainfalls already provide us with an ample supply of water that simply goes to waste. What a colossal waste of an important natural resource.


The federal minister for science & technology, who is fond of appearing on the media, occasionally makes claims of scientific solutions to national challenges. One would request him to mobilize the expertise of his ministry and come up with some effective methods to conserve rainwater.

Huma Arif

