Judicial Commission never blamed ECP members for rigging

ISLAMABAD: Though PTI and its chief Imran Khan are now aggressively demanding resignation of members of Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) it is worth noting that during the hearings of the Judicial Commission the PTI lawyers never made any accusation whatsoever against any ECP member of rigging the 2013 general

By Ahmad Noorani
August 26, 2015
ISLAMABAD: Though PTI and its chief Imran Khan are now aggressively demanding resignation of members of Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) it is worth noting that during the hearings of the Judicial Commission the PTI lawyers never made any accusation whatsoever against any ECP member of rigging the 2013 general elections nor the Commission found anything against the ECP members while conducting investigations.
During more than 50 hearings of the Judicial Commission, not even once did any member of the PTI legal team make any allegation against any ECP member. Commission conducted its proceedings in a professional manner and demanded evidence of each and every allegation. It is very strange that now when Judicial Commission has given a judgement against PTI the party has started demanding resignation of Election Commission members.
It is important to mention that the Judicial Commission conducted in-depth inquiry into all aspects of the election 2013 and examined all evidence and witnesses and subsequently pointed towards some shortcomings of ECP, which all related to capacity building, lack of coordination and planning at some steps. The Commission highlighted that because of lack of planning, delivery of ballot papers was delayed, there was no policy for extra ballot paper printing, bad ink was used, RMS failed and that ECP could not manage to have its own space for keeping the record.
However, it is also very important to mention that the Judicial Commission discussed all these points separately and rejected any chances of rigging or impact on result because of any of above shortcoming of ECP. Rather, the Commission proved with evidence and argument that none of these shortcomings led to any possibility of rigging or impacted result in any way but held that all such shortcomings should be overcome. Only PTI chief can explain on the basis of which allegations he wants these members to resign.

