1st Festival of Humor & Laughter to take place next year

By NewsBytes
December 19, 2019

The amount of work Karachi Arts Council is doing to promote performing arts and pull audiences towards it is commendable. They set up various festivals for children, adults and people from different walks of life this year, including the most recent gig, SuperSalt 2019. Theatre and music have remained their key areas either in terms of performances or providing trainings to aspiring artists in the field.

However, as we look forward to welcoming 2020, the Karachi Arts Council is looking towards adding comedy shows to the list too. Though we have multiple comic shows going on in the city every now and then, there is now going to be a festival - for the first time.


Called the ‘1st Festival of Humor and Laughter (FHL),’ it will be a three-day event scheduled to take place from February 14 to 16, next year.

According to their official Facebook handle, “The 1st Festival of Humor and Laughter will provide a chance not only to laugh heartily on other’s follies but also to laugh on ourselves and on our mistakes too. That’s why Charlie Chaplin told us many years ago, ‘A day without laughter is a day wasted’”.

FHL 2020 will take place at Arts Council in Karachi, in collaboration with Culture, Tourism, and Antiquities Department, Govt. of Sindh while it will be organized by Mehran Arts and Literature Forum (MALF). Watch this space for more details.
