Those curls!

Let’s just simplify it and make hair care possible! Actually, there are only two ways to manage your locks:

By Mashal Afridi
November 22, 2019


Taking care of curly hair is not something everyone can handle. There are so many rules and regulations around making your curly hair look healthier that most people just simple stay away from hair care.


Let’s just simplify it and make hair care possible! Actually, there are only two ways to manage your locks:

1. Go to a saloon and get a Rebonding, Extenso or Keratin treatment done.

2. Or, take care of those curls! Because unlike straight silk or wavy hair, curly hair isn’t gonna take care of itself!

Option 1 is a separate topic, let’s go for option 2! Honestly, it’s the better way to go.

For dry hair

Never brush dry curls! Brushing dry hair will make them a frizzy mess. Your hair is also likely to get damaged. If you have short hair, you’ll get the infamous “triangle head” look, which looks horrible!

When and how to comb

Only comb your curly hair when it’s wet, preferably after you have applied your conditioner. Combing wet hair without conditioner will mean less-defined curls, but it’s not something to worry about.

Don’t go for aggressive combing. You don’t have straight silky hair; your hair is curly! It’s likely to get damaged if you try to pull a comb through a tangled mess. Use a wide-toothed comb and detangle your hair in small sections, instead of larger ones.

As for brushing, it’s not recommended. Brushing has the risk of yanking your hair out of its roots, or breaking it midway. It’s more likely to create a frizzy mess, rather than detangling a frizzy mess.

The bathing routine

Curly hair doesn’t need to be shampooed frequently. Instead, conditioners make a difference. Use shampoo only once a week. As for the rest of your bath days, use a conditioner only.

Washing your hair strips out its natural oils, so washing every day is not a good idea. At least a day between washes is recommended.

Which shampoo and conditioner

That totally depends on you. You’ll have to do a number of experiments to see which product suits you. Also, since we’re using shampoos and conditioners, you’ll also have to take note of which shampoo works best with which conditioner. It’s smartest to try out shampoos and conditioners that are especially designed for curly/frizzy hair, or hydrating shampoos and conditioners. Once you find out which shampoos and conditioners work best on you, you’re good to go! Use one combination one month, and the next combination the other month (It’s not recommended to use the same shampoo for years and years).

You only need a small amount of shampoo to wash your hair. Using too much shampoo can cause dryness. Too much conditioner will make your curls weighing down instead of looking lively.

Read the ingredients before buying a product. Silicone based ingredients are to be avoided (they have the suffix “–one”). They are more likely to damage, rather than fix your hair.

Sulfates are harsh ingredients found in many shampoos. They dry out hair and leave your curls feeling crunchy instead of soft.

Proteins are an ingredient to look for. They strengthen hair and prevent breakage. Proteins include collagen and keratin.

After showering

If you plan on going to a party or have someone coming over, and want to show off your curls (instead of hiding them by ironing them), you can buy a curl enhancing styling cream, curly hair mousse or serum. They work wonders! You have to apply them after showering. A number of companies supply such products.

How to dry them

You have two options; either let them air dry; or use a towel. If you plan on using a towel, don’t aggressively rub your hair against a towel. That will turn your hair into a frizzy mess, and detangling them will be a nightmare. Instead, gently crunch the water out, hold a few curls in your hand, and squeeze the water out. If you must dry your hair with a blow dryer, attach a diffuser.

A unique experiment

If your hair doesn’t improve much after shampooing and conditioning, try applying shampoo to your dry hair before you go into the shower. Sounds strange, but it actually works!

Tying hair

If you want to tie your hair up, the best option will be any hairstyle that leaves your hair loose. Don’t tightly tie your hair back. It’s better to make a loose ponytail. Tight hairstyles are excellent at damaging your fragile curls. They pull, stretch and break them.

When sleeping

At night, tie your hair in a high ponytail and apply some oil to your hair tips. This will help to decrease frizz.

The morning after

If you go to sleep with fine curls, and wake up looking like Medusa, the culprit may be your pillowcase. Rubbing your head against a rough pillowcase is equivalent to combing dry curls for the entire night. Use a pillowcase that is made from satin. Or, you can wrap your hair in a satin scarf for the night period. That should keep your curls safe.
