All for show

November 15, 2019

Indeed, there is a hell of a difference between PowerPoint presentations and effective performance in any public-sector organizations. Unfortunately, nowadays our public-sector organizations and those who are placed at the key positions in those organizations are doing nothing to improve their organizational performance. There is no Housing Building Advance (HBA) facility, no Motor Car Advance facility, and no timely hiring cheques, among others, for the employees of those ill-fated organizations. There is no blueprint for enhancing organizational efficiency and doing something for the welfare of the regular employees, but there is everything eating and merry making. There is nothing to generate a sharper focus on results within the organizations, but there is everything to develop well-worded PowerPoint presentation to capture the attention of those at the highest positions.


Is there anyone to ask these persons placed in authority positions to place greater emphasis on planning, improving management, promoting and ensuring transparency, enhancing efficiency, financial disciplining, instead of cosmetic measures and pompous presentations? Pitiably, everyone I meet in this country is struggling for self-projection, pomp and show which is why everyone in this society and indifferent organizations in the public sector is fighting a battle we know nothing about. They don’t want to be kind, candid, candid, original and practical which is why our many organizations are in acute financial and administrative crisis and a few on the verge of collapse where 'moving corpses' are retained for long. How long this hypocrisy?

Hashim Abro

