Strong foundation laid for province’s progress: CM Usman Buzdar

November 10, 2019

LAHORE : Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar on Saturday said a strong foundation had been laid for progress of the province.


During a meeting with MNAs Sahibzada Mehboob Sultan and Ameer Sultan here, the chief minister said relevant departments had been mobilised for providing relief to people, adding that action was being taken according to the law against those creating artificial price hike.

He said the people could not be left at the mercy of the mafia looting people through artificial price hike.

Usman Buzdar said the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government came to power just to serve people, adding that the projects related to people's need were ignored in the past.

The CM said the incumbent government had set a new tradition of utilising resources for human development.

Indian SC verdict: Usman Buzdar has said the decision of the Indian Supreme Court on historical Babri Masjid hurt the sentiments of Muslims.

In a handout issued here Saturday, he said India had given a message that there was no place for Muslims and other minorities in Hindustan.

Sardar Usman Buzdar said the Modi government and extremist Hindus got the decision by pressuring the Indian Supreme Court. The decision turned India into more unsafe place for its minorities, he said, adding the tall claims made by India of being a secular state had been exposed, he added.

Kartarpur Corridor: Usman Buzdar has said Kartarpur Corridor initiative is a way towards peace and religious harmony.

In a statement issued here, he termed the project a historic step by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government and said it was a gift by Pakistan for the Sikh community all over the world.

The CM said Kartarpur Corridor project had been completed in a record time.

"We welcome the Sikh community to the inaugural ceremony of the historic Kartarpur Corridor," he said, adding Islam and the country's constitution guarantee complete protection to the rights of minorities.

report: Usman Buzdar, taking notice of murders in a firing incident between two groups in the Batapur area here, has sought a report from the inspector general of police, Punjab.

He directed police to arrest the accused as soon as possible and provide the best treatment facilities to the injured.

The chief minister also expressed a deep sense of sorrow over the loss of human lives in the incident.
