Cost of corruption

October 11, 2019

The costs of corruption are manifold. There are several bodies both at the federal and the provincial level with the mandate to fight and eradicate graft and corruption in different ministries, divisions, departments, body corporate(s), offices. But there has been no reduction in this cancer of corruption. There is corruption in the infrastructure and construction industry; there is corruption in the educational institutions; there is corruption in the executive branch, legislative branch, and where not?


This increasing inflation, this alarming unemployment, this worsening lawlessness, among others, are the costs of corruption. My country today is broken-hearted and breaking down. Corruption is the ‘misuse of public funds for personal gain. It is carried out either by bribes, fraud, embezzlement and kickbacks, but who cares in this corrupt society when the proven corrupt are retained in authority positions, doubtlessly, for more corruption.

Hashim Abro

