Political amnesia

October 09, 2019

Plato once said that the greatest victory is self conquest. Unfortunately, none of the Pakistani leaders seems to have achieved this distinction. All appear to be victims of egotism and envy while the public sigh under a heavy burden of inflation, unemployment and low wages. Our politicians from all parties want democracy to flourish – but only if they hold the power. They will take out rallies, call for protests, and strikes with no consideration of economy or suffering of people.


However, when they get to power, amnesia hits them, and they forget what they did to get to power. Suddenly, they learn everything about democratic norms and the importance of working in harmony to strengthen the economy, wondering why the opposition would resort to antics such as protests and strikes. I wish and pray for a leader who could sacrifice his / her own interest, and work for the betterment of the country.

Raja Shafaatullah

