Instagram to take initiative to ban diets products and cosmetic surgery posts

Facebook-owned app Instagram has taken an account of the increasing number of posts that impact on young people, their mental health and body-image

By Web Desk
September 23, 2019

Instagram is rolling out new policies around content that promote weight loss products and cosmetic procedures.


Facebook-owned app Instagram has taken an account of the increasing number of posts that impact on young people, their mental health and body-image.

The platform declared that under its new rules, posts that promote the use of certain weight-loss products or cosmetic procedures, which have an incentive to buy or include a price, will be hidden from users known to be under 18.

The picture-sharing app stated any content that made a “miraculous” claim about a diet or weight product and was linked to a commercial offer such as a discount code, would now be removed from Instagram.

Actor and body positivity campaigner Jameela Jamil, who has repeatedly criticized high-profile online figures including Khloé Kardashian for posting on social media about diet products, backed the initiative taken by the management.

“This is a huge win for our ongoing fight against the diet/detox industry,” she said. “Facebook and Instagram taking a stand to protect the physical and mental health of people online sends an important message out to the world,”

“Instagram was supportive and helpful when I brought them my protests and petitions; they listened, they cared, they moved so efficiently, and communicated with us throughout the process.” She added.
