With feet on the ground

August 22, 2019

If the government wants to manage the financial crises and check inflation, it ought to keep its eyes on the stars and feet on the ground. This means that it must aim big but not forget the plight of the common man. Having its feet on the ground, the government will understand the misery of poor. It will also learn that ‘to err is human’ and the best course is to learn and correct your mistake instead of escalating to a failing course of action. Even at the worst of times, the government is responsible to provide healthcare, education, and security to all citizens without any discrimination or bias. At the same time, the government must dream big.


One must come out of the past and live in the present. Constantly bashing previous leaders and blaming them for every crisis does not solve anything. In a democratic system, everyone is equal and must be respected. No one is guilty until proven so. In a country where more emphasis is on preaching and less on action, the chances of increase in economic growth and revival of economy are dim. The best course for the government is to come out of this blame game and reach out to everyone to strengthen economy. The recent Kashmir issue has made it very clear that it is strength in economy that gets world attention not firepower. Politicians ought to shun their differences, create consensus and kick-start the economy which seems to have totally halted.

Raja Shafaatullah

