Healthy nutrition

July 20, 2019

Food safety is important to ensure that you can enjoy your days instead of feeling sick to the stomach and nauseous. Eating contaminated food regularly causes such health issues. Consumption of unsafe foods like undercooked meat for example can cause issues ranging from diarrhoea to cancer. The food we consume these days is impure and unhealthy. Even our fruits and vegetables are becoming unsafe to eat with the high amounts of pesticides and chemical fertilizers used to facilitate their growth.


Even eating fruits and vegetables with the skins peeled off can help greatly towards eliminating much of these harmful additives from becoming part of your daily diet however. The reason behind this could be the fruits you had were not properly washed. Eating unsafe, processed, uncooked or unwashed food will affect your health greatly. The intake of too much saturated fat or sugars can make you feel dizzy and lethargic. Nausea after eating could be a matter of stomach discomfort. I would like to quote Ann Wigmore in this essence and say that, ‘The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison.’

Maleeha A Pai

