Yoga for a healthy life

Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India......

By Hamza Hasan
July 05, 2019


Yoga is an ancient physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. The word ‘yoga’ derives from Sanskrit and means to join or to unite, symbolizing the union of body and consciousness. Today it is practiced in various forms around the world and continues to grow in popularity.


June 21 marks the International Day of Yoga, which aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga. Here are few easy yoga poses that you can try anywhere, anytime.

Downward-facing dog

If you only do one yoga pose after a long day at work, make it a downward-facing dog, a holistic pose that stretches and strengthens many parts of the body. To come into the pose, move into an inverted “V” shape. With hands outstretched in front and you, lift the hips and ground the feet (at about hips-width apart) into the floor. Ground all the fingers into the floor and point them forward, bring your attention to the breath as you enjoy the stretch for 30-60 seconds. It helps lengthen and strengthen muscles in the body along with reducing tension in the shoulders. The pose is also great for stretching out the wrists and hands, which may become sore or tired from hours of typing.

Mountain pose

Counter a long day of contracting the back with this powerful back and chest-opening posture. Come to a comfortable standing position with feet hips-width apart, bring your hands up over your head with palms facing forward and thumbs hooked as you bend gently backwards and breathe deeply.

Fish pose

Fish pose is an excellent tension reducer, and can also be therapeutic for fatigue and anxiety. To come into the pose, sit up on your hips with legs stretched out together in front of you and toes pointed. Bring your hands under your hips and lean back to prop yourself up on your forearms. Then, lift the chest above the shoulders and drop the head back to the ground behind you. Breathe deeply and rest in the pose for 15-30 seconds. Fish pose releases tension in the neck, throat, and head, helps stretch the chest muscles and opens up the lungs.

Standing forward fold

A forward bend provides a soothing feeling of release - making the pose therapeutic for stress and anxiety - and with the added arm bind, this standing forward bend variation provides a deep shoulder stretch as well. Stand with your feet at hips-width distance, and slowly bend forward from the hips to come into the forward bend. To take the strain off the lower back, bend the knees slightly. Then, try adding an arm bind to stretch the shoulders: interlace your hands at the lower back and stretch the arms over your head and hands towards the ground in front of you. For those with tight shoulders, hold a belt between your hands, allowing the shoulders to get a deep but less intense stretch. After sitting all day, it's a great idea to turn your world upside down and bring some blood back to the brain while getting a great stretch for the legs.

Cat-cow pose

Cat-cow tilts can be an effective headache reliever, in addition to opening up the back and stretching the spine. Start with hands and knees on the floor in a tabletop position with a neutral spine. On the inhale, round the spine and curve up into your cat pose. On the exhale, arch the back and lift the chest to come into a cow pose. Repeat three to five times, focusing on the breath.

Bound angle pose

This pose helps to open the hips and ease sciatica discomfort that can be made worse by sitting for long periods. Sit up tall with the soles of the feet touching and knees spreading open, bringing the feet in toward the pelvis and clasping your hands around your feet. Flap the knees up and down several times like butterfly wings, then sit still and focus the weight of the hips and thighs into the floor, easing pain in the sciatic nerve.

Cobra pose

This pose lengthens the spine, opens up the chest and counteracts sitting hunched overall day. Lying on the floor, put your hands on the ground slightly in front of you and tuck the elbows into the chest. Push up into your hands, lifting into a slight backbend and drawing the shoulders down. Turn your gaze upwards, and try not to take any tension into the face or jaw.

Half pigeon pose

The hips can get tight from long hours of sitting. To improve flexibility and range of motion in the hips, and open up the chest and shoulders, try a half pigeon pose. Start on your hands and knees in a tabletop position, sliding the right knee forward and left leg back trying to bend the front leg at a 90-degree angle. Sit up tall, and on the exhale, hinge the chest forward and bring the arms out in front of you to feel a deep stretch.

Sitali breathing

This cooling breath is the perfect antidote to a long, stressful day. It releases tension in body and mind, and helps us relieve stress and anger and brings us to a more balanced and clear state. To perform this refreshing exercise, sit in a chair or on the floor in an easy crossed-legged position with your eyes closed. Inhale through the mouth, letting the air pass over the tongue, feeling a cool breath, and then exhale through your nose. Continue long rhythmic breathing for three minutes.

Compiled by Hamza Hasan
