Saltbox Hunza Creative Residency discovered

Featuring inter-disciplinary candidates, the residency is not only for artists.

By Maheen Sabeeh
June 18, 2019

Salt Box Residency, a project of Salt Arts, has received its fair share of criticism for charging a certain amount – if you pass the panel interview.

However, the great misconception is that it is only for musicians or even photographers. But, it is not.


The theme for SALTBOX 2019 is “foregoing abundance; we will be deconstructing the ideas of urban abundance and creating individual and group goals. The SALTBOX cohort will be problem solving and discussing how to achieve sustainable and socially equalizing productions in the urban centers, minimizing environmental impact through personal initiative and artistic expression” noted the press statement.

“At Salt Arts, our work in music has been informed by design, literature, craft and cross-genre collaboration. We believe in the power of interdisciplinarity; the integration of multiple disciplines resulting in the richest mix. As creators we are enriched by the generosity of our peers, together our ideas are greater; this limitless possibility of collaboration deserves an introspective space to grow,” said the statement further.

The core objective of this residency is to nurture the voice of cross genre, inter-disciplinary creators in Pakistan. At the end of the 2019 session the residents will be curating an open day for the local community, where their work and new collaborative directions will be highlighted. The works produced during the residency would be showcased in an online and physical audio-visual exhibit curated by Salt Arts, and further unpacked throughout the year.

SALTBOX offers an excellent opportunity to forge community, experiment with ideas, new mediums and develop synergies amidst Pakistan’s most poetic natural heritage.

At the carefully chosen venue, Mountain Story Resort Hunza, one can expect starry nights, bonfires, outdoor meals, listening sessions – and waking up to the pristine sky surrounded by the magnificent Mt. Rakaposhi and Mt.Trevor. We believe that to enjoy the mountains, urban abundances must be given up. We remember the swiftness of the wind and the steepness of the breathy climb, the clouds disappearing into the orange sunsets and transforming into deep starlit nights. Hunza is a special place, its indigenous culture and ageless mountain sky, are home to mysticism and healing. In 2019 Gilgit Baltistan, banned the use of plastic bags, shaping the future and becoming a change maker.”

The residency will include 11 people, out of which 6 positions are funded. The group includes a writer, poet, painter, musicians, chef, filmmaker, strategists, entrepreneurs, brand-builder, and trainers.

“SALTBOX is an inter-disciplinary residency; it is not just for artists,” confirmed Salt Arts press statement.

I, for one, have nothing but good luck for Salt Arts, who after three years of dynamic live shows, are looking to expand in unique ways.
