Letter from power

Dear friends (bulbs, fans, fridges, etc). I am terminally ill. My heart keeps failing me hours at a time. There are treatments but this panel of doctors don’t see eye to eye on even one.Your solutions are all practically sound, but who takes a stand? I am at a crossroads.

By our correspondents
June 29, 2015
Dear friends (bulbs, fans, fridges, etc). I am terminally ill. My heart keeps failing me hours at a time. There are treatments but this panel of doctors don’t see eye to eye on even one.
Your solutions are all practically sound, but who takes a stand? I am at a crossroads. But it looks like I am going down the road of no return. This fire of hope still lingers in me. I wait motionless for a miracle... Sincerely yours, Power.
Maryam Ahmed Malik

