Nothing important than public welfare: CM

By Our Correspondent
June 11, 2019

LAHORE: Chief Minister Sardar Usman Buzdar has said the former rulers played havoc with the country by burdening every child with debt. Past governments took loans in the name of people but the amount was not spent on them.


In a statement issued on Monday, the chief minister said the incumbent government inherited a devastated economy and weakened institutions and the people are fully aware of the fact that past rulers had ruined the national economy.

Those who have had ruined the journey of development and prosperity will have to be answerable for their deeds. The PTI government has made difficult decisions to put the economy on the right track and midnight oil was burnt to put the country in the right direction. People will soon witness a prospered and transformed Pakistan.

The chief minister said that country had been bankrupted due to inefficiency and wrong policies of the past rulers adding that only lip-service was done but the era of hollow slogans is over now.

He said that the incumbent government is taking practical steps to provide relief to the masses as nothing is important than the public welfare. We are always striving for solving public problems and every moment of the government is devoted to providing a better future to the nation.

We will come up to the expectations of the people and no one will be allowed to hinder the struggle for a new Pakistan, he added. The people will perceive positive change very soon and the PTI government will return the public rights to them, he added.

The chief minister reiterated that the PTI government would never break the trust of the people adding that new local governments system would be helpful to solve the problems of the masses at their doorsteps. The people will not have to move around the power corridors to get their problems solved in the new local governments system.

This is the change for which people have given votes to the PTI and brought it into the power. We are all answerable to the people and no undue delay, negligence and leniency will be tolerated in the solution of public problems.

He said that the provision of better services to the people will be ensured at every cost as it is the time to deliver to the general public by working hard. Police and administration will have to improve the governance structure with their coordinated efforts and innovative work will be done so as to bring ease in the life of the common man. No one will be allowed to interfere in the mission of public service, the chief minister concluded.

CM CONDOLES: Sardar Usman Buzdar has expressed deep grief over the loss of precious human lives in a road accident on Rawalpindi Road near Attock and extended sympathies to the bereaved families. He has directed to provide best healthcare facilities to the injured and sought a report from the administration as well.
