Ali Zafar shares hadith of Holy Prophet (SAW) on backbiting

The artist seemingly made an effort to spread the message of harmony and peace among the people as he posted the Saying of the Messenger of Allah.

By Web Desk
May 27, 2019


KARACHI: Having been inspired of Ramzan's blessings, Pakistan's renowned musician and actor Ali Zafar Sunday shared a hadith of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) on his Instagram account.

The artist seemingly made an effort to spread the message of harmony and peace among the people as he posted a Saying of the Messenger of Allah, advising the Muslims to avoid back-biting and the habit of searching the faults of others as this act is disliked by Allah.

Earlier this week, Ali Zafar in a tweet mentioned that he tried to pen down what he felt while performing Umrah this year .

‘Earlier this year I was blessed to visit Makkah and Medina. What I experienced there cannot be described in words. A part of that I have tried to express in this “Hamd-o-Naat - Ali Zafar”
