Five martyred, three terrorists killed as Gwadar operation is over: ISPR

It said the Quick Reaction Forces of Army, Navy and Police immediately reached the hotel, secured the guests and staff present in the hotel and restricted terrorists within the corridor of fourth floor. Giving further details, the statement said after ensuring safe evacuation of guests and staff, a clearance operation was launched to take on the terrorists.

By Agencies
May 13, 2019

ISLAMABAD/UNITED NATIONS: Security forces have completed clearance operation at a hotel in Gwadar, Balochistan, and all three terrorists have been killed, the army said on Sunday. An army statement said the terrorists bodies are being held for identification. During the operation, five individuals were martyred, including four hotel employees and a Pakistan Navy sailor. A total of six individuals got injured including two army captains, two Pakistan Navy soldiers and two hotel employees.


The statement said terrorists had attempted entry into the hotel aimed at targeting and taking hostage the guests present in the hotel. Security guard at the entry challenged the terrorists denying them entry into main hall and terrorists went to staircase leading to upper floors, the statement said, adding terrorists opened fire resulting in martyrdom of a security guard Zahoor. Enroute to stairs, the terrorists kept firing indiscriminately resulting in martyrdom of three more hotel employees, Farhad, Bilawal and Awais while two got injured, the ISPR said.

It said the Quick Reaction Forces of Army, Navy and Police immediately reached the hotel, secured the guests and staff present in the hotel and restricted terrorists within the corridor of fourth floor. Giving further details, the statement said after ensuring safe evacuation of guests and staff, a clearance operation was launched to take on the terrorists.

Meanwhile, terrorists had made CCTV cameras dysfunctional and planted Improvised Explosive Devices on all entry points leading to the 4th floor. The statement said security forces made special entry points to get to the 4th floor, shot down all terrorists and cleared the planted IEDS. In the exchange of fire, Pak Navy sailor Abbas Khan embraced Shahadat while two army captains, two Pakistan Navy soldiers got injured, it added.

The Director General of ISPR thanked the entire media for responsible reporting and coverage of operation. This actually denied the terrorists of possible live updates and thus facilitated security forces in smooth execution of the operation, the statement said.

President Dr Arif Alvi strongly condemned the terrorist attack in Gwadar terming such incidents as grave conspiracy against national development projects. In a statement, the president said the whole nation stood united in the war against terrorism. He said this scourge would be completely eliminated from the country and the journey towards progress would continue. The president paid tribute to the security officials martyred and prayed for recovery of those injured in the incident.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Imran Khan condemned the terrorist attack on a hotel in the port city of Gwadar in Balochistan province. The prime minister appreciated the initial response by security guards and security forces in foiling greater loss to human lives, the Prime Minister’s Office said. He paid rich tributes to those martyred and injured security personnel during the ongoing operation. “Such attempts especially in Balochistan are an effort to sabotage our economic projects and prosperity. We shall not allow these agendas to succeed,” he said. The prime minister said the Pakistani nation and its security forces shall defeat them all.

Meanwhile, the Chinese Embassy in Islamabad strongly condemned the attack on the Gwadar hotel. “We appreciate courageous steps taken by Pakistan Army and security agencies,” the embassy said in a statement, extending condolences to the relatives of martyred security guard. The Chinese Embassy also extended its wishes for speedy recovery of guards injured in the attack.

Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal Khan said the Saturday’s attack in Gwadar was a clear picture of how their enemies didn’t want to see Balochistan progress. Such things shall not deter us and Balochistan shall continue on its path to progress, he said in his tweet.

Similarly, Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Mushahid Hussain Sayed said that the audacious terror attack on Gwadar’s hotel is an unacceptable security lapse in heart of CPEC. He tweeted that it was 3rd attempt to destabilise CPEC and damage Pakistan’s core security interests. He mentioned the earlier attacks in April, terror attack on Makran Coastal Highway and the Nov 2018 assault on Chinese Consulate in Karachi. Security for CPEC has to be paramount priority as Pakistan can’t allow enemies to destabilise and damage the most important project in the history of Pakistan since nuclear programme, he wrote on twitter.

Full-fledged anti-China campaign had been launched by enemies of Pakistan and China, who are common, coinciding with Pakistan’s embrace of IMF, pursuing a 3-in-1 strategy: destabilise CPEC via covert operations, demonise China through false propaganda and damage Pakistan-China Strategic bond, he tweeted.

On her part, Federal Minister for Defence Production Ms Zubaida Jalal also condemned the attack on a five-star hotel in Gwadar, saying that the aim of the attack on Gwadar’s hotel is a failed attempt to damage the CPEC projects. She said that some negative elements are bent upon sabotaging peaceful situation in Balochistan, which will not be allowed in any case.

Special Assistant to Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan also strongly condemned terrorist attack on a hotel in Gwadar. In a statement the SAPM said that the enemies of Pakistan's development and progress would never succeed in their unholy designs. She said that the nation was proud of its martyrs and paid salute to their courage and valour. She said the nation is united against the scourge of terrorism, which would be completely defeated with the grace of Allah Almighty. She also prayed for early recovery of the injured.

Meanwhile, the United Nations on Sunday condemned the terrorists attack targeting a hotel in the port city of Gwadar. "We deplore all such attacks and reiterate that there can be no justification for terrorist acts," Farhan Haq, UN deputy spokesman, said in a statement.
