Low conviction rate

March 25, 2019

I work as a prosecuting inspector in a district court. A low conviction rate is a challenge for the entire criminal justice system in the country. One of the reasons behind this low conviction rate is faulty investigation. The training provided to police officers is not really enough for them to assist the legal fraternity in courts. Sometimes investigation is conducted without much application of mind and law. Even the first information report (FIR) is sometime prepared in a hurry.


Witnesses to a crime do not cooperate with the police, and stay quiet when the police ask them about an incident. This is because of insecurity. We need to give full-proof security to witnesses. To strengthen the investigation process, the government needs to induct law graduates in the police force. We also need to amend the substantive and procedural laws of the criminal justice systems. It is high time the legislature restructured, reconstituted and reformed our police force.

Irshad Ullah

District Buner
