Keep the change

March 15, 2019

The Punjab Assembly has increased the salaries, perks and privileges of its members to more than double after getting the legislation to do so in record haste.


Indeed a great step considering our booming economy and prosperity reflected through decreasing prices and the poor getting out of the poverty cycle. It would have been much better had the salaries and perks been tripled to take care of our needy parliamentarians.

Dr Irfan Zafar



Well done, Punjab! The pay and allowances of Punjab Assembly legislators and ministers have been raised with an unanimous resolution. Perhaps, this is the reflection of the PTI’s Naya Pakistan. Other provinces are likely to follow suit. People only have one question to ask: Whatever happened to austerity claims?

It seems that the politicians of this country are least concerned about the suffering of people. They conveniently turn a blind eye to the public who are getting crushed by rising inflation. What kind of democracy is this where ordinary people have no voice and the nation’s resources are being squandered by the few?

Arif Majeed

