Tech smart

March 14, 2019

In order to make full use of it, technology must be used in a constructive manner. But it has been observed that in our society, people show irresponsibility while using technology. Here being tech savvy is considered as just being good at managing social media or having multiple social media accounts. The use of the smartphone has just been limited to nonproductive unending activities throughout the day on social media platforms. We must get out of the state of delusion and realise that we, the citizens of a developing country, cannot afford to waste our time like this.


If we look at our neighbouring countries like India and Bangladesh, we will observe that these countries are standing tall at the first and second positions in the list of international freelance market. Despite having 3G/4G internet, easy access to the internet and a high number of smartphone users, Pakistan is at the fourth place in the list. There are many constructive and positive opportunities available online which must be looked into. For example, people can easily earn a lot of money from home if they use technology efficiently.

Sadia Ali

