Shortage of irrigation water causes widespread misery in Badin

By Our Correspondent
March 06, 2019

SUKKUR: A protest rally was held against the shortage of irrigation and drinking water throughout the Badin district.


Growers, members of civil society, NGOs, political parties and locals started the rally from the Allah Wala Chowk and concluded at the Badin Press Club, where they staged a sit-in for several hours and raised slogans against those involved in water theft.

Addressing the protesters, the representatives said the people of the district, including those at the tail end of the canals, are suffering from artificially-created scarcity for the past many months. They said water stolen by influentials has damaged 1.5 million acres of agricultural land in Badin, Golarchi, Tando Bago and Talhar. They said the shortage is leading to large scale starvation, poverty and unemployment among the growers, adding the scarcity of drinking water is causing serious misery to people and animals.
