Saudi crown prince to arrive tomorrow

Prince Mohammad bin Salman is visiting Pakistan on the invitation of Prime Minister Imran Khan and will be accompanied by a high-level delegation, including members of the Saudi royal family, key ministers and leading businessmen.

By Agencies  
February 16, 2019

ISLAMABAD: The two-day visit of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman to Pakistan has been delayed till tomorrow (Sunday), a statement from the Foreign Office said on Friday.

A Foreign Office spokesman, however, said the programme with regard to Prince Mohammad bin Salman's stay in Pakistan will remain unchanged. The crown prince was earlier expected to arrive in the country today (Saturday).


Prince Mohammad bin Salman is visiting Pakistan on the invitation of Prime Minister Imran Khan and will be accompanied by a high-level delegation, including members of the Saudi royal family, key ministers and leading businessmen.

During his visit, the crown prince will hold meetings with President Arif Alvi, Prime Minister Imran Khan and Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Qamar Javed Bajwa. A delegation of Pakistan’s Senate will also call on him and discuss ways to enhance parliamentary cooperation between the two countries.

Ministers from Saudi Arabia will also hold meetings with their Pakistani counterparts to discuss bilateral cooperation. During Prince Mohammad bin Salman’s stay, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan will sign a number of agreements and MoUs in diverse sectors, including investment, finance, power, renewable energy, internal security, media, culture and sports. The two countries will also discuss ways and means to develop a robust follow-up mechanism to ensure effective implementation and quick progress on tangible areas of cooperation.

Meanwhile, Minister for Information and Broadcasting Fawad Chaudhry said Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman would be accorded historic welcome upon his arrival in Pakistan for which preparations have been completed.

Talking to media persons here, the minister said Imran Khan and his cabinet would receive the crown prince and his high-powered delegation at Nur Khan Airbase. He pointed out that a formation of JF-17 Thunder fighter jets would escort the jet of the crown prince when it would enter the airspace of Pakistan and that Mohammad bin Salman will be given a 21-gun salute upon his arrival. The federal capital, he noted, had been tastefully decorated to mark the occasion.

Fawad noted that elaborate security arrangements had been made for the visiting dignitary and his delegation and added that a banquet would be held at the Prime Minister House in the honour of the crown prince. Imran Khan and Mohammad bin Salman would also address the banquet.

Later, he noted, the joint working groups of both the countries would hold meetings on various ventures of bilateral cooperation. He said the Board of Investment (BoI) would sign a number of memoranda of understandings to enhance cooperation between the two countries. He said both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were going to make massive investment in Pakistan.

Fawad continued that the visit of the crown prince would lead to more investment in Pakistan than made during the last 10 years. The minister said a Supreme Coordination Council led by Mohammad bin Salman and Imran Khan will be launched during the visit for effective coordination and follow up to achieve mutually agreed objectives.

Fawad said an unprecedented Saudi investment was expected during crown prince's visit. He added that Saudi Arabia was going to build two new cities and the government of Pakistan would try to get maximum jobs for Pakistani workers. He noted that tomorrow (Sunday), a banquet would be held at the President House, where President Dr Arif Alvi would confer the highest civil award on Mohammad bin Salman.

Fawad said all the political parties are united over Pakistan's relations with Saudi Arabia. He clarified that not the entire federal capital, but the Red Zone would be sealed in connection with the visit of the top dignitaries from Saudi Arabia.
