Thar Coal Power project ready to come online by February

By Imtiaz Hussain
December 08, 2018

SUKKUR: Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Thursday said the Thar Engro Coal Power Project of 660MW would be completed four months ahead of its scheduled time.


While reviewing the progress of the Thar Engro Coal Power Project at a meeting, the chief minister said: “This is a dream come true. We are going to inject electricity produced from Thar coal project into the national grid from February.” He said the royalty of the project would be around Rs2.5 billion and all the income would be spent on the development of Thar and its people. The chief minister was briefed that 94 percent mining work was completed. Later, the CM visited and examined the coal excavated from a mine.

During a briefing to the chief minister, the chief minister was told that out of 3,584 people working in the mine, 2,364 were Tharis. The cost of the project was reduced to $670 million from $845 million while saving $175 million. The chief minister was briefed that the engineering reviews and quality inspections of the project were completed by globally renowned experts. The chief minister was told that experienced Chinese manpower from the similar projects in China were contracted for smooth functioning of the project.

As many as 70 Pakistanis have received operation and maintenance training in China and have returned to take part in commissioning the complex.

The relay room and transmission line, evaporation ponds, boiler and 180 meter tall Chimneys have been constructed and are ready for testing.After the briefing, Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah presented a Rs50 million cheque to the CEO Thar Foundation for provision of basic facilities to the 20,000 families in Islamkot.

Addressing the people of Thar and their elected representatives, Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah said “we are committed to provide development and employment opportunities for the people of Tharparkar.” He said he is working on a plan to spend major portion of the royalty of Coal Power Project for the development of Thar and social uplift of its people. He said the PPP government has spent Rs70 billion for developing infrastructure, airport and other projects in Thar.

The Chief Minister also visited a kitchen garden pilot project at Thari Halepoto village. The garden comprises a small fish pond and vegetables are grown to meet the needs of two to three families. He said such projects would be encouraged to help Tharis overcome malnutrition.

The Chief Minister said the Thar Foundation is constructing a 250-bed hospital at a cost of Rs2 billion against which the Sindh government has already released Rs50 million. Murad Ali Shah said the first block of 82 beds would become functional in February 2019. He said a new village, New Senhri Goth for the displaced people of Thar Block-II has been established where 172 families would be shifted by December 20. The CM said “We have provided a well designed 1100-square meter houses. Besides, housing, he said the government would provide them appropriate jobs, compensation for their houses, education and health facilities at the new village.

The Chief Minister said the Thar Foundation has planned to establish 25 schools on a fast track basis. He also said the Thar Foundation has also sent 90 children to a three-year diploma of Associate Engineering. This would benefit 500 youth imparted with skill education. The Chief Minister also paid a surprise visit to the PPHI and DHQ hospitals Mithi and reviewed their services.

Talking to media, the Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah said the major reason of infant deaths in Tharparkar is their delivery at homes. The infants are only brought to hospital when the condition of the child worsens.

To a question, the Murad Ali Shah said the government would soon launch a Health Information System under which all the pregnant women would be registered and they would be provided with proper care.
