Karachi carnage condemned

IslamabadThe Pakistan Interfaith League (PIL) strongly condemned the terrorist attack against the peaceful Ismaili community in Karachi which left at least 46 persons dead and around 13 injured on Wednesday morning.It was a grizzly act in which these terrorists targeted innocent men and women who were on their way to

By Mobarik A. Virk
May 14, 2015
The Pakistan Interfaith League (PIL) strongly condemned the terrorist attack against the peaceful Ismaili community in Karachi which left at least 46 persons dead and around 13 injured on Wednesday morning.
It was a grizzly act in which these terrorists targeted innocent men and women who were on their way to start day’s work. The Chairman of the PIL, Sajid Ishaq, said that this attack by the terrorists has made it ever more important to upscale not only the on-going Zarb-e-Azb but also to carry out speedy trials of those terrorist who had already been arrested and awaiting trials in the courts of law.
He said that this act of terrorism has left the whole country in a deep state of shock. “No religion teaches or preaches violence against innocent human beings and killing women, children and elderly is the most abhorrent act against humanity. Nothing in the world can justify such act of insane violence against innocent people,” Sajid Ishaq said.
“We as a nation have still not overcome the horrifying tragedy of Army Public School (APS) in Peshawar when this fresh incident has jolted us to the core once again. The situation calls for unity among the whole nation without the discrimination of religion or ethnicity. While our armed forces and law enforcing agencies are engaged in fighting these extremist elements in the society, we the people of Pakistan must unite and make concerted efforts to eliminate this hatred being spread in the society on the basis of one’s religion, sect or ethnicity. The PIL chairman extended sympathies and deepest condolences to the bereaved families.

